UPDATE: I have ditched the filter unit and switched to a outside vent situation (I actually bought an air assist fan not seen in the photos) But I did model and print a hose flange for the corrugated style hose coming off the back of the machine.
We haven't yet managed to get a vaccine which is frustrating because an awful lot of people seem to be getting it on social media....? No offense, I want everyone to get vaccinated but I think posting an image of getting the vaccine if you don't have an underlying condition or are not a healthcare worker or are not over the age of 65 is like posting an image of you on vacation while the rest of us have been doing our duty not socializing for ten months! Liz's mom, who died almost a year ago now, has yet to have a funeral because of covid. They had to get it on the books so they opted to wait a year. Well it's almost been a year and Liz can't really travel without a vaccine. Sooooo frustrating.
It has been rough couple months on top of a serious covid scare, I was in bed with a fever of 102 for 48 hours. After not really going out except for groceries, multiple tests, all negative, I am finally on the other side of it. I am not sure what it was but it sucked and I am completely drained. I have not been able to bring myself to post anything and frankly, I don't have much of anything to report. I did however manage to release my CAD flashcards through my site. http://arthurhash.com/ I basically bought a glowforge to lasercut custom packaging and I LOVE IT. I feel like I have been suffering in tech hell for the last six years with my old full spectrum laser.This thing solves almost all the problems I had with my old laser (auto focus, cleaning is a snap, automated material sensing, interior camera, front pass through. Seriously, it is pretty great. I will have to do a write up later with a full review.
I also finally install the slab for the counter on the cabinets I installed last year. wha wha whaaaaa
Liz and I made some headway with our shed/deck. It went up pretty fast thanks to the help of some hired guns! We are making it into a outdoor movie area as well. Today I am working on some proper steps.
We are going for the board and batten style to finish it up. I added a seeding shelf inside so we can get started on future plantings. We put a good single coat of primer and the next move is to put on the battens.
Also our plan to have the back side an outside movie theatre has become a reality. I think we will be watching friday the 13th tonight!
I have also sold out for the forth time of my h-pattern ring templates. I have already started making more! I am now moving on to other fun things like nesting bur holders. I think I will modify the design so they actually interlock but for now they might make great stocking stuffers just as they are. I will probably sell them through my instagram shop
Things that happened this week:
One of my bracelets was acquired as part of the permanent collection at the Cooper Hewitt. I did an interview to go along with the work. I also have posted two brooches for sale on my site if anyone wants or can't live without an Arthur Hash brooch!
I dug out and leveled an area for our new shed near our newly built party platform. Unfortunately, we are in a little bit of a holding pattern. There is a serious shortage of wood! I am kind of blown away. We had to make a special order to be delivered to the house via a flatbed. We also can't even get screws to finish the decking. The deck is only %70 screwed down! I am a little worried about warpage in the cold.
The state is requiring everyone to get tested for COVID so signed up and did a drive through test. It took about twenty minutes and was very organized. Kudos to all the people who are working the lines (seriously awesome, thank you). I think they touched my brain with the q-tip! Hah!
I bought and assembled a new FDM printer an Ender 3 v2 (so far so good.) It took about an hour to put together and after a few minor adjustments it seems to be printing like a dream. I have a few complaints/concerns but they are VERY minor for a $260!):