A while back I was flipping through an issue of dwell magazine. Maybe October, I can't remember. It had a great article on the making of the Alessi 9090 stovetop coffee machine. As a metal worker/designer/coffee drinker I loved it. I thought I would share (click on image to read the article...your welcome). But I also thought I would share some other unique coffee makers. First the Otto espresso. I can't believe this wasn't thought of earlier (it probably was). I love how the handle comes off to open the water reservoir (watch the video). It just seems so nice. I am not sure how I like the bowl that catches the "crema". Also the Handpresso: "Wherever you go and whenever you move, an espresso is always close to hand". Neat little thing. I am not sure that if I am in the middle of the woods how badly I would need a cup of coffee. I guess if I was camping then yeah it would be nice to have a small coffee maker. I kind of just want to try it. The point of this is I LOVE coffee and I would love to at least try either. I am guilty of being a gadget dude. I have yet to find the ultimate coffee machine.
I am also including photos of the SNOW!!!! I can't believe that it is finally snowing!!!