I thought I would post some images of the pieces I am working on. These neck pieces will be part of the exhibition I was talking about in a previous post. I TIG welded them together and they are off to the powder coater. I got a tour of the facility and checked everything out. It is probably the cleanest powder coater I have ever seen. Here are some before shots and then sometime next week I will add some after shots. So many things to do. The bracelets are ready for their boxes. Now all I have to do is make them fit. Also just as an experiment I am going to powder coat a DMP print. Hopefully it will turn out otherwise it will be a an expensive test. Wish me luck.
Did I mention that I made a new shirt? Well I did. A long time ago a friend of mine explained that loading a jewelers saw was like petting a cat. Pet the cat from the head to the tail and is purrs. Pet it from tail to head and watch out! Get some here CRAF-TEES