This semester has had it's ups and downs. I have to admit that I believe everything happens for a reason and there are almost never lows without some really nice high points. My students did an amazing job making some amazing pieces. I am especially proud of the digital course that basically started with the students knowing almost nothing about CAD/CAM to 3D printing some amazing things in the end. I will now call them "power- users".
With my Dad passing away and all the snow days we had, I had a hard time seeing the light at the end. Now that the end is here, looking back on everything made me realize that the impossible can often produce amazing things.
So here is the short list, I have a few pieces going into the Adorned Spaces pop-up show at SNAG in Boston this year. I just sent off a piece to Placement at the Reinstein Ross Gallery in New York. The opening is Saturday May 16th at 6:00 pm if you are around NYC. I finished grading the projects for four classes (forty projects)! I have to work on making some flat pack cases/display for another show. I have another piece going out for the Contemporary Jewelry Exchange. I have work on its way to the Arrowmont instructors exhibition. I have a bracelet heading off to the Penland Auction. I will be in NYC for a couple of days for a Family reunion and then finally a break for about a week before I have to get ready for my Arrowmont workshop! There is also some secret news that will have to remain secret for a little while but I suspect will be kind of epic.
Below are a few images from all of that including mockups of a huge 3D printed neckpiece which was the collaboration with Skullphone. A few images of brooch backs from the enameling pieces from a previous post (Smitten Forum 2). A shot of my students doing their self portrait project using Sculptirs and some of the final pieces from the enameling class. There are a couple finals (3D prints) from my Digital class (I especially love the milk crate beer coozie).