SO we are back from SNAG. Liz and I had a great time! We met some incredible people. The lectures were AWESOME! If you didn't make it out this year, make sure you come next year! The line up this year was amazing! Some people to note were
Deb Tod Wheeler
Iris Eichenberg
Richard Nelipovich
I have to say that I didn't get to do and see everything I wanted. These things are always hard and can be a bit overwhelming. I am glad I got to talk to a couple of students and see their work and I hope that next year I will be able to have more social time for everyone.
I really wanted to talk with Doug Bucci and Mike and Elizabeth from the Velvet da Vinci more.
Saying all of this, before we left for SNAG my second floor bathroom leaked all over my first floor kitchen and had to be ripped out and replaced. We thought that by the time we came back we would have it all finished and done but alas there was more damage than we thought and it doesn't look like are going to be able to have a bathroom for a while. So I thought I would post some images of that. We were so busy at SNAG we forgot to take any pictures. If you have any pictures of me at SNAG let me know. Also I wanted to say thanks to Evangelina and all of the people at SCAD for the conference. You guys did a great job.