Soon. I will be offering more Rhino workshops through the Bench here in good Old Rhody Rhode Island! We are finally getting around to doing a Nerd hangout session (more news on that later). This last week Liz and I took a couple days off of work to go glamping (I guess camping at a camp site is not real camping, according to Liz)
The last time we went camping was about ten years ago. We just packed all of our camping gear that we dutifully organized from our last trip not realizing that we were missing come crucial components like something the make coffee with, a frying pan or a tent big enough for two grown ass adults. Liz said: " the best thing about camping is the problem solving!" I think I agree with her.
I have included some highlights from the trip:
- Me being impatient with the coffee apparatus Liz cobbled together
- Cooking everything on a sheet-pan because we forgot our frying pan
- Suffering through the kid size tent we brought
- Our double dog bun situation
- The surprisingly empty Narraganset beach! (whoop whoop private beach party!)
- Whale bones
- Beers at the Whalers brewery (again no one was there! whoop whoop)
- And our fancy campsite (with RVs in the background)
While were there we went to the local museum which was mind blowing. It looked to have a fully functioning type setting studio including a type casting machine? Also you could eat off the machines. As far as I could tell they didn't have AC or heat so I am not exactly sure how they kept all these machines from rusting into the ground so I concluded they actually use all this stuff! I desperately wanted to see it all going. With Covid the place was empty and all the windows and doors were open and the tours were self guided. They also had a blacksmithing shop but it was obviously staged and not in use. Unlike a letter press studio I can recognize when a metal studio is not in use.