So I had the pleasure of visiting Hoss Haley's studio! Man o Man! It is a metal workers dream! If you don't know Hoss or his work it is AH MAY ZING! Adam Whitney (Penland's metals coordinator) and I took a quick day trip to Asheville to visit his new fountain that is being installed downtown.
While in Hoss's studio I couldn't help notice that there was a large part of an ironworkers arsenal missing! the forge. Hoss explained that he does almost 90% of his steel fabrication with no heat! In the middle of his shop is a 100 ton press that he built himself (see the panorama below, dont forget to click to make it bigger!). Pretty amazing stuff. His building reminded me of Liz's building in Richmond and all I could do was think of all the things we could have done. His shop had so many amazing odds and ends that made my head spin. Anticlastic and sinclastic forms pressed out of 1/2 plate, stainless steel rod welded and polished to perfection, large paintings made with steel and an angle grinder, anvils, hammers and bending jigs galore! it was very hard not to be a tourist and take photos of every little thing. What an amazing setup. I wanted to say thanks to Hoss and Leslie for having us over to their house which is equally amaizng. It was a pleasure seeing their latest creation James Haley. Even the outside of his house is clad in metal (note the alphabet magnets). We were also really lucky to see Susie Ganch while she was on her way to Arrowmont

click on the panos to view them large scale!