I thought that people might interested in the process of doing an American Craft Council show so I am going to try and document everything. It will be interesting to see how this pans out. I am trying some new things this year. I am working with some new people to gather material (Filzfelt, Ponoko, P&T surplus). I am trying some new processes. Most importantly all of this is a great excuse to get back into the studio and make stuff. I think I spend way too much time on the computer and not enough time in the studio. On top of all this I am teaching two new classes this semester (Rhino and Blogging packaging and Assembly). This should be interesting.
On to the process:
First we tapped off a 10' x 10' space in our kitchen. Then after figuring out which way our booth would be facing we labeled the front and the back. I found out that it costs about $250 to rent the curtains and pipe. That seemed a bit pricey so I thought that I might try to do some kind of accordion style partition walls with some lightweight hollow-core doors from Lowes. The doors cost about $30 each and they are 36" x 96". I figured with a quick coat of poly and some signage with the vinyl cutter it might look really nice. I am going to get a door today and I will report back here in part two.