Friday, December 25, 2009
Hello all! I am up early on Christmas morning to bring you good tidings and a new posting. I thought as a fun project I would post some images of artists "working view" I asked everyone to send a photo of their "space". This might be the gym, the studio, the library or even their kitchen. Anyhoo, I got a few back and it is a great start but I am awaiting for more. If you would like to share your "working view" please send your images to with the subject "working view". I would also like to thank Suzanne Pugh for a little something something. I will hopefully spill the beans on this in the new year.
5:01 AM

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
hello hello hello
I have been really bad about posting. Everyone says that but things have been that busy. I have been helping Jen Woodin, a new hire here at SUNY New Paltz to set up our Digital Fabrication Lab. It has been a slow start but finally things are on a roll. The students are finally printing on the 3D printer. The laser cutting has been cutting and the space has been evolving. I just went over there and cleaned up to get ready for an impromptu photo shoot. So I should have photos up on the blog very soon. On another note......
I have been frantically finishing everything up for the semester. I still have a boat load of grading to do and about a million SNAG applications to sort. Somewhere in the mix I went to the BFA metals thesis shows. I got a few pics before people started showing up. I couldn't shoot everybody's work, mostly because people kept jumping in the way of my camera to get a closer look. I guess that is a good thing. I just wanted to give a nod to my students and all the hard work they put into their shows. Congrats Ladies!
6:25 AM

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Man what a great day! Liz and I did so much. I totally fell in love all over again with Beacon, New York. First, of course there is Dia. Liz had to drop off a Red Velvet cake at work and man oh man as always jaw dropping. I still can't believe we are lucky enough to live 20 minutes from freaking DIA. Anyhoo we decided to get lunch. I had heard rumors about this place from Liz's co-workers and SHO NUFF! Freaking Poppy's! Hamburgers! 100% Grass Fed 100% Local 100% Organic 100% delicious! I had some kind of B B Q Bacon burger that almost made me go crazy. Also we had a HUGE bag of hand cut french fries. SON OF A B!!! Melt in your mouth goodness. You gotta go! POPPY'S 184 Main St., Beacon, NY 12508 Closed on Monday, Tues-Thurs 12-7 Fri-Sat 12-9 and Sun 12-6 Link about poppy's.

When we left I was almost ready to pass out from sensory overload. We popped into one last store and visited Clay, Wood and Cotton. It was a great little place that sold some really nice things. They had hand printed towels, beautiful serving dishes, bowels salt and pepper shakers, handcrafted camera pouches and lots of wooden spoons. They also had some really nice clocks. Man I am spent. I was going to work in the studio tonight but after all of this I just want to sit on the couch and watch a movie. Liz is making macaroons so the house smells great! Life is good.
Here is a time lapsed movie I did in Poppys. That is all for now. Talk soon.
After that... across the street....the School of Jellyfish also pretty mind blowing. Here is a blurb "The School of Jellyfish for the Advancement of Sustainable Living and Chocolate is... a few architects, designers, and thinkers with a lot of ideas to help you feel better in your own skin and make the world a finer place for all — while you appease your dark chocolaty side." Well let me tell you we had a dark hot chocolate with a large marshmallow, chili powder and whipped cream as well as a STELLAR chocolate truffle served on a piece of Ply-boo (plywood made from bamboo). Yes sir. My mouth is just freaking loving me right now. The space is really great. When we were in there a Charlie Chaplin movie was being projected above the coffee bar. The furniture had a really interesting space saving design where the benches keyed into the table.

When we left I was almost ready to pass out from sensory overload. We popped into one last store and visited Clay, Wood and Cotton. It was a great little place that sold some really nice things. They had hand printed towels, beautiful serving dishes, bowels salt and pepper shakers, handcrafted camera pouches and lots of wooden spoons. They also had some really nice clocks. Man I am spent. I was going to work in the studio tonight but after all of this I just want to sit on the couch and watch a movie. Liz is making macaroons so the house smells great! Life is good.
Here is a time lapsed movie I did in Poppys. That is all for now. Talk soon.
3:41 PM

Monday, November 9, 2009
ahhhh sofa
Well I am back. It has taken me this long to process SOFA and how everything went. Here are just a few things:
Helped Sienna man the booth. Met and worked with some awesome folks. BARBARA SEIDENATH, RAISS BUMP and LAUREN KALMEN. I also had a good time meeting some of the Cranbrook grad students and Stefan at the Ornamentum booth oogling Iris Eichenberg's work. Had drinks with Doug Bucci and Don Friedlich. There were lots of folks there that I wanted to talk to but didn't have that much time. Most of my days were spent stopping people from taking photos. Namita, one day, we are going to have lunch or a drink and sit and talk for a long, long time. I swear. What a great time. It was a whirlwind! Anne and Mark thank you so much for inviting me and of course I want to thank the Sienna Gallery for bringing me. Be friends with her on Facebook.
Now that I am back....
The best thing I learned about all this was what people buy at SOFA or maybe who buys at SOFA. For a long time I have subscribed to the notion of democratic design. Something for everyone. I truly believe that something great should not have to cost an arm and a leg. So maybe SOFA wasn't really the place for me. For people that have had the luxury of growing up napping on a Le Corbusier lounge or ate TV dinners off of an Isamu Noguchi table or even used a Peter Voulkos charger as a fruit bowl, congrats, officially I am jealous. REALLY jealous. Since good design was all around you when you were growing up it I believe it desensitized you to beautiful things. I saw a LOT of beautiful things at SOFA. If I had the money I would have bought most of it. On the other hand I saw a bunch of stuff that I wasn't so thrilled with. I am sure people looked at my work and said the same thing.
In my opinion, jewelry functions, for the most part, when someone wears it. If you are only making jewelry for the 5% of collectors or buyers that come to SOFA, then your piece should be made out of crystal skulls, mayan gold and the bones of the elephant man. A piece can be beautiful and not have to cost $50,000.00. Here is the problem. You gotta eat. You gotta pay your bills. You have to at least cover your costs of going to SOFA. I guess what I am getting at is that I think my prices were too low. The illusion of value wasn't there. I didn't think about all of the fees associated with a gallery going to SOFA. Its a whole new ball of wax. Booth fees, lights, paint, packaging, phone line for the credit card machine, lettering.....It is not your neighborhood craft show. It is a large machine with lots of high polished, quality parts that are expensive. It requires high test gasoline.
On another note, I had this "big idea" that didn't work. It was 66 separate brooches that when assembled together formed my hand. I used a 3D scanner and CAD software to generate these pieces and then fabricated silver sheet and pin stems for their backs. Priced at $100 each, which I might add barely covered the cost of the silver back and 3D print material, never even got touched. I had this great idea about tracking the pieces as they were sold who has what part. Joe Smith in Dallas, Texas had the tip of my thumb Jan Smith in California had a piece of the palm. etc etc etc. Out of the 66 brooches only one sold. oh well. Anyhoo enough of my babbling. Here are some images from the show!
6:26 AM

Friday, October 30, 2009
I can't remember if I posted this. I just watched Objectified with my Digital Fabrication class. It had ups and downs. It kind of made me feel like a waste. I feel like I should be a collector instead of a maker. Are we all just spinning our wheels? How is what I am making important to the world? Do I just make things because I have to? Is it part of who I am? Is it that important? On the eve of SOFA I feel like I need to re-evaluate the subject of my lecture and completely re-work it.

8:35 AM

Sunday, October 18, 2009
thing to do when we get back to Richmond

Just realized that there are so many things missing from the list. Krispie Kreme, VCU, Ipanema, Cous Cous...etc etc etc.
Also our houses almost made it in the Times (Thats the New York Times folks). If only the cameraman had stepped to the right about 5 feet. Oh well. On that not we have two beautiful places for rent. A studio apartment and house for in Richmond VA. Near Gallery Five. Both newly renovated with all new appliances and new hard wood floors. If anyone wants photos LMK
4:50 AM

Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hey everyone just a quick heads up for you Philly folks. My buddy Anthony Tammaro has a show up at the Wexler gallery. Here are some images of the show and some images of his work. The video is great

10:16 AM

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tom Joyce
I have to take a quick break from my grueling studio schedule and talk about our recent visiting artist here at SUNY New Paltz, Tom Joyce. Oh man. What to say? What to say? I remember his lecture at SNAG a couple of years back being absolutely amazing and this lecture was no different. It was just eye opening and mind blowing. I have a new found respect for metals and metalsmithing as a whole. It made me seriously want to get back to work. For me it was perfect timing for such a motivational lecture. The number one thing that I got from all of it was "keep working". I tell myself that everyday but his lecture just hammered it home (hah!) Here are just a few images of his work. I especially love the prints that he has done with burning wood panels.

8:54 AM

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
just checking in (don't forget the stuff at the bottom)

Still plugging away at the work for SOFA. It is coming up FAST!!! I had to pause today for emergency dental stuff. Right before I left richmond I paid $800 dollars for a couple of filings.....that fell out while I was chewing on some movie theatre candy. Son of a B!!! DAmn you twizzlers! I go back on Thursday for the "major" work. My poor yuck mouth. I also wanted to point out a great article on Lauren Kalman by Gabriel Craig in this months American Craft. Lauren is the one of the other artists that is going to SOFA with Sienna. I love her work. The metal in the mouth makes me cringe. I feel like I am back in the dentist's chair. Anyhoo here are a couple of process shots just to prove that I have been doing stuff.

Some of the things that I am working on include generating 3D shapes from points on a map. Here is how it goes:
1.Screen shot of google maps background bitmap in Rhino
3.Running a Script that generates 3D surfaces from points
(This script is based on the Voronoi tessellations. These tessellations generate cellular structures from predetermined points. The script allows for cellular growth which in turn automatically makes polygonal cells. These cells are then used as the base of the brooch. Here is a great link on how to draw the
4. I then determine a pattern based on icons from google maps (thumb tacks, stars markers etc)
5. I then extend and trim the pattern. I also draw in the tabs for the pin stem and catch
6. The copper is painted and then the template is "etched" off with the laser.
7. The brooch is then drilled, cut and folded into its final state

4:52 PM

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