I have had mixed reviews so far. The show itself has been kind of dead. It picked up at the beginning and then it kind of fizzled out. Off and on, here and there, sales have been hit or miss. Some old lady haggled 60% off which was a strange experience for me. It has been great to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while. It was also nice to see some new faces taking the big plunge/investment to do the show. Andrew Wagner had a pretty sick Rattlesnake mustache. I love some of the searchlight artists!! I am going to try and take some photos today. Until then all I have are pictures of my booth.
So far so good. It was a little sketch trying to fit everything into Liz's Mazda but we got it all in there thanks to her amazing tetris skills. The trip was great. No traffic from NY. I was shocked to find out that they let us pull our car into the convention center! That definitely didn't happen last time. We set up maybe %60 percent of it last night and we are going to finish up today. I unfortunately left some essentials so I can see at trip to the store in my future. Friday is the big first day for retail. I took a quick look around and I am have to say I am really excited about the searchlight artist's this year. I am also excited to see some old friends and maybe get a chance to have a beer or two.
You guys saw these before but I just made a whole boat load more (laser cut black felt). This time they are all different (handguns, machine guns, etc etc). Something fun. I am well aware that it is very "dude" jewelry. For some reason I just had to make them. When my brother and I were little ones we were SUPER into star wars action figures. I think we had like 50 or 60 of them. Mostly I remember being stoked when we got a figure that came with more than one "accessory" aka blaster or for the nerds BlasTech DH-17 or E-11 blaster rifle. For some reason these remind me of those.
In other news, I am still finishing up a bunch of stuff for ACC. Its getting close to that time..... I will be sending out announcemenst sometime this weekend. If you want to be added to the mailing list please email me: arhash(at)gmail(dot)com
Just when I a was plugging away at the work for ACC Baltimore guess what showed up at the school? Our 3D printer. Of course as you know I can't resist a little technology. Like a moth to a flame I was camped out next to this brand new shinny thing for four days straight! Someone needs to make better directions for this thing (it was worse than IKEA's frownie man). It was little rough at first (mostly small technical problems, our PCs needed updating desperately). I did get some great help from Michael Gayk who sort of works for the manufacturer. Thanks buddy!
Now that it is running I have been experimenting. I think I love this machine. There is no heated lye solution you have to dip your piece into or a large vat of resin that you have to suit up for, or powder to vacuum. You just "print" the part and peel away the support and you are done. No messy clean up.
Check out the two pieces I printed yesterday. Notice the loop within a loop towards the bottom? There is also a screen shot of the software and the location of the peeling cuts. Yes I said peeling cuts. This thing is really a glorified vinyl cutter. It lays down a piece of material on a moving Z table, applies a little masking fluid then a little glue, cuts the layer and repeats the process, building an object layer by layer.
I was just thinking how jealous I am for the people that get to go to any of the premieres of the new documentary Objectified. The Objectified website asks "how many manufactured objects did you touch this morning?" I started thinking about it an my head nearly exploded trying to count all of it. I really need to downsize.
Anyhoo for some reason these newly discovered pieces from Tomas Forsyth(drawing tops from a previous posting) Reminded me of how touch is taken for granted. I mean yeah it would suck not being able to see or hear or even smell (sometimes I wish I had selective smelling) Living without touch.....that would be a little hard.
ACC is slowly pushing along. I will have more photos soon. The good news is that the 3D printer is being delivered today!! Trust me it will be a welcomed distraction.