Rock Your Renaissance from Art of Craftsmanship on Vimeo.
Unveiling the trace from Art of Craftsmanship on Vimeo.
- Auction items encompass both hollowware and jewelry.
- The pieces offered have a reserve price set modestly below retail. Why did we do this? To encourage bidding and to ensure that our auctions do not undercut the very artists we strive to serve.
Proceeds from the auction will help underwrite the design and launch of a members’ gallery of public portfolio pages on SNAG’s website, to promote the work of all SNAG members.
- The auction will come to a close Monday, Oct 11, 2010 at 1:11am PDT. Don’t miss your chance to bid and win!
What can you do or how can you help? It’s easy...
1. Bid on the amazing work being offered by following the link below to eBay!
2. Email the following link and information to all of your friends and let them know about the auction.