HERE VIA (BoingBoing)
saw this at one of those seasonal Halloween stores. Can't help but laugh at the white dude they have on the package. Then I thought I might buy it but I already have the glasses and the hat. All I need is some chain and spray paint it gold. WORD.
I started using some chip board in my vinyl cutter. Might have to invest in some new blades. I have to do a lot of the cutting by hand. Might be nice as a punch out jewelry piece. Maybe with a poly coating? hmmmm. Flocking? dunno. Maybe I will try some plastic sheeting soon.
just did the Bizarre market yesterday and got a wicked sunburn. Made a couple of bucks and also met a bunch of really cool people. I think I am going to do the holiday sale. I hope I have some new work by then. -arthur
The wolves were produced in Quanzhou, China, from January to June of 2006. The commissioned local workshop in Cai’s hometown specializes in manufacturing remarkable, life-sized replicas of animals. First, small clay models were created as movement studies, out of which Cai subsequently developed Head On’s artist editions of cast resin wolves. However, the realistic and lifelike 99 wolves that grew out of these models and drawings possess no literal remnants of wolves: they are fabricated from painted sheepskins and stuffed with hay and metal wires, with plastic lending contour to their faces and marbles for eyes.
Nicole Baumann's display
Nicole Baumann's cups
Nicole Baumann's crocheted coffee cups. Man these are great too. I guess you can't really drink out of them but I don't care I want the little doggy.
Kiara Pelissier's work. Always AWSOME. I want a set of these for my new kitchen. They are so clean and crisp.
Made these new brass black skulls. I think they work but so far no one has bought any. Nice new boxes left over from the 7444 New York show.
Photos from the Master Quirks show in Richmond Virginia. New set up for me. IKEA tables and Vinyl stickers. I think it works. the gallery let me borrow the plexi bonnets. I made a bunch of moo cards for the event but they have not yet arrived. :(