Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
potter press review
Buy it here
So I just got my new press in the mail today. It is a sweet little machine. I had been cutting out dies on the laser and been dying to press some more metal!! For the money this is WELL worth it. It is a smaller 12 ton press so it has a smaller capacity. The max opening is 4" x 5" it doesn't have the deeper pressing capability of a larger press but again for the money.... The frame is made from 1/2" laser cut steel and the platters are milled smooth. It comes with a 2.25 pusher that sets in the top via a set screw. Everything is smooth and required no clean up. I think I might alter the handle to make it longer to get more leverage. All in all I am very happy. I am going to try and get a couple for the basic studio. Kevin Potter also makes stakes etc. You should check out his site here:

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Continue Time - kinetic artwork / functional clock from Sander Mulder on Vimeo.
Worldwide limited edition of 40 items + 1 artist proof.
For more information and images see
Design: Sander Mulder
Music: Mr. Projectile, "I am back"
Our office clock fell, causing the minutes- and second pointer to come off and they were just laying in the transparent cover. Witnessing the random patterns that occurred while the hour pointer still rotated, the concept for the Continue Time was born.
While creating mesmerizing patterns on your wall the pointers are still read as with any traditional clock. The widest pointer ( attached to the clockwork ) shows the hours, the medium sized pointer ( attached to the hour pointer ) shows the minutes, the smallest pointer ( attached to the minute pointer ) shows the seconds.

Friday, May 21, 2010
Summer class!!
May 26th till June 29th Mon-Thurs 1:30P-5:30P
In this course we cover advanced techniques and applications for using
...the computer as an artistic tool. 3D Modeling skills will be augmented
to allow for a more intuitive and comfortable approach to sophisticated
design projects such as multiples, laser cutting, advanced rendering
and template generation. Students are encouraged to develop pieces
using personally selected digital fabrication techniques covered in the
class. There may be additional costs for outsourcing projects. Some
techniques to be covered: 3D modeling, packaging, vector art and web
2.0 applications. There may be additonal costs for outsourcing projects
such as laser cutting, 3D printing and Desktop publishing.

bitMAPS from PROJECTiONE on Vimeo.
bitMaps Teaser from PROJECTiONE on Vimeo.