So Liz and I went to the 821 Cafe this morning for brunch and to my surprise they gave me this mug. I have been eating here for over nine years and its seems that I get a different mug every time. That's a lot of mugs. Back in the day, before I left for grad school I used to walk in and they would bring me my food. I didn't even need to order! Man that rocked. It has definitely changed since the old times. Back then there would be fresh baked goods under glass up at the bar. The place smelled like fresh bread. I missed those days. Don't get me wrong the place is not bad its just different. Matter of fact 821 is our default position when we can't decide where to go for food.
I also ran into a high school buddy of mine, Matt Smith from the band Strike Anywhere. The only thing I could think about was how I went to high school with this guy and how dumb I looked drinking coffee out of this crazy pink bunny mug. Anyhoo. I am sure you didn't come here to read about my eating habits. Here are some things that are going on besides eating....and no my bathroom is still not finished.
I am back in the swing of things gearing up for ICFF's Designboom I am kind of excited because I always wanted to go to ICFF(International Contemporary Furniture Fair) and now I have a reason. I have been told to prepare a LARGE inventory so I am starting now. The mart will be from May 17-20 at the Jacob Javits Center in New York.

Its also kind of interesting to see all of these awesome designs from past Designboom fairs and recognizing them from all over the place(Internet, magazines, Blogs etc etc.) For those of you wondering I will be posting a soundtrack list from the 2008 SNAG Digital juried exhibition as soon as I find it. -Arthur out